Western society and the whole world crave fresh narratives which anticipate bright futures. You’ve heard them amid our Casual Saints! Casual Saints aired from June 2020 to January 2025 over HealthyLife.net (and TuneIn), which had 2.2M+ network listeners each month. HealthyLife explained to me that, “…in 2023 and 2024 (Casual Saints) is getting approx 1.4 million listeners a year or 115,000 listeners a month. So that means in 2023/2024 (it) reached a total of 2.8 million listeners for both years.”
Casual Saints™ host and creator is rowdy American mystic Michael D. Austin. With his love of synchronicities, he’s inspired by his adventures in jeans, or in a blazer, or in snorkeling gear with his friends in Alexandria, America, Amsterdam, the Arabian Sea, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Copenhagen, the Sea of Cortez, Dublin, Hamburg, Goa, the Great Mayan Reef, London, India, Istanbul, Mexico City, Paris, and Tenochtitlan.
Mr. Austin is an ordained minister who graduated in comparative religion. He is now eagerly and diligently working to certify, and expand his lifelong practices in shamanic energy medicine and healing through Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds Society. He is a recovering intellectual. 🤪 He is also wondering if he might aspire to become an Earthkeeper.
He has also ⚡ run thousands of road racing laps in his car at triple digit speeds ⚡ founded, invested, and produced since 2007 ⚡ 6 years as founding leader of a private fund which was begun with remote viewing ⚡ 40 years in both business & nonprofit development including: 5 as co-founding developer of Hardshell Labs, and 18 years as founder or director in LAN technologies, preservation of Egyptian antiquities, global talk broadcasting, animation fine art publication, industry and consumer conferences in consciousness, academia, or insurance. 8 years as fund raising director in nonprofits in higher education, international medical research, and regional social services.